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About me


Kevin joined the station in 1984 when it was still at Cuckfield Hospital. He hoped to combine his passion for radio with an outlet to serve in the community and, back in the 80’s, he served in several positions on the Committee. He has been with Mid Downs Radio ever since, among various other radio projects.


He says “I was privileged to record some 300 editions of a 30 minute contemporary Christian music show called Living Sounds, which was broadcast out to many other hospital radio stations across the United Kingdom. These days I play “Totally Eighties” on Friday evenings from 8pm to 10pm. I like a wide range of music, but I would have to count the 80’s as my favourite decade. The year I joined Hospital Radio Cuckfield, 1984, was a great year for music and I remember ‘spinning the records’ in what was just about the smallest studio in the country – known affectionately as the cupboard under the stairs.”

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